Become an Ordained and
Commissioned Life Coach Minister
Life Coach Minister Program Features and Costs
The Life Coach Minister program is designed for those called to serve in volunteer, part-time, or vocational life coaching roles within churches, ministries, or private practice. This program provides comprehensive training and certification, ensuring that Life Coach Ministers are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge for their ministry
Features of this Life Coach Minister Program:
- Includes college-level training in Life Coaching and specializations.
- Integrates seamlessly with ministry, embracing a Christian worldview and providing appropriate opportunities to teach a biblical perspective on life’s challenges.
- It utilizes an asynchronous online learning model, enabling students to progress at their own pace while keeping costs low.
- Includes minister credentials and Life coaching certification.
- Costs up to one-tenth of typical Life Coaching programs. Many programs cost up to $6,000.
Program Steps and Costs
The Life Coach Minister program is offered through Christian Leaders, encompassing both Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance. Courses and training are provided by Christian Leaders Institute, while credentials and certification are issued by Christian Leaders Alliance. This website serves as a guide to the program.
Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute – Cost: Free
You will enroll at Christian Leaders Institute for ministry training. You must complete the following classes:
Christian Leaders Institute Required Classes
- Getting Started Christian Leaders Connection (3 Credits)
- Christian Basics (3 Credits)
- Ministry 101 (3 Credits)
- People Smart for Ministry (3 Credits)
- Life Coaching Ministry (3 Credits)
Total: 15 Credits
Ministry training classes and the technology that provide free courses are made possible through the generous support of vision partners, including students and kingdom partners. The courses you take are asynchronous online correspondence classes, allowing you to learn at your own pace. You will engage with lectures, reading materials, and quizzes, with all your progress recorded in a transcript recognized by Christian Leaders Institute, Christian Leaders College, Christian Leaders Alliance, and the Life Coach Minister program.
Vision Partners – We invite you to support the mission of providing free ministry training worldwide. Many individuals lack access to high-quality education due to financial constraints. By becoming a vision partner, you help make this training accessible to those in need. As a vision partner, you’ll also receive discounts toward the cost of becoming an ordained Life Coach Minister.
Life Coach Minister Certification: Cost $250
Regular Fee: $250 Introduction Fee: $125 or free for any monthly Vision Partner of Iron or above.
After you complete the required ministry training, including the Life Coach Ministry Class (3 Credits), and have been ordained as a Deacon Minister, you may enroll in the Life Coach Minister Commissioning Class.
The Life Coach Minister Commissioning Class requires that you write a paper for grading.
There are activities for you to do with your mentors or recommenders to gain feedback on your understanding of what life coaching involves and how it differs from traditional pastoral care or counseling.
Depending on your recommenders and your paper, you may be interviewed by members of the faculty at Christian Leaders Ministries.
Ways to Pay for Your Life Coach Minister Certification:
- Pay the Life Coach Minister Certification administration fee of $250
- Participate in the Vision Partner program and receive discounts. Here is the Vision Partner Pricing:
- Platinium Vision Partner – Free
- Gold Vision Partner – 50% off Coupon
- Silver Vision Partner – 25% off Coupon
- Iron Vision Partner – 15% off Coupon
- Bronze Vision Partner – 10% off Coupon
- Copper Vision Partner – 5% off Coupon
Optional Minister Licensed or Ordination: Cost $125
Licensed Minister:
The Licensed Ministry Program is designed for those who want to officiate weddings, making it ideal for ministers who wish to specialize in wedding ceremonies and pre-marriage counseling. To become a Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant, you simply need to complete the Getting Started course – Christian Leaders Connection (3 credits). This licensure seamlessly integrates with your Life Coach Minister Certification, enhancing your ministry credentials.
Ordained Minister:
The Deacon minister program at Christian Leaders Institute makes you an ordained minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance. This status will also allow you to be designated as an ordained life coach minister through the Christian Leaders Alliance.
After you take the Getting Started Connection Class (3 credits) and the Christian Basics (3 credits), you are invited to enroll in the Deacon Minister class (1 credit). You may complete this step when you are ready. This class teaches you about minister ordination.
This class guides you through the process of getting three recommendations that you are fit for ministry ordination. Since there are personalized processing and a verifying aspect for this class, there is a cost that passes on to students.
Ways to fund the Licensed or Ordained Minister Ordination:
- Pay the Licensed or Ordained Minister Package Fee of $125
- Become a Vision Partner and receive discounts. Here is the Vision Partner Pricing:
- Platinium Vision Partner – Free
- Gold Vision Partner – 50% off Coupon
- Silver Vision Partner – $25% off Coupon
- Iron Vision Partner – 15% off Coupon
- Bronze Vision Partner – 10% off Coupon
- Copper Vision Partner – 5% off Coupon
Optional Life Coach Minister Specialization Badges – Cost $125 each
New Specialty badges will be launched through out 2019-2020. Each Badge specializes in topic areas. You will take specialization classes that will “coachify” the specific or specialized ministry training.
A badge certifies that you have the expertise to minister in specialized areas as it relates to Life Coaching ministry.
Each Life Coach Minister Badge class requires you to do an activity and write a paper for grading.
Ways to fund each Life Coach Minister Badge (each badge you receive includes more training and another paper):
- Pay the Life Coach Minister Badge Fee of $125.
- Become a Vision Partner and receive discounts. Here is the Vision Partner Pricing:
- Platinium Vision Partner – Free
- Gold Vision Partner – 50% off Coupon
- Silver Vision Partner – $25% off Coupon
- Iron Vision Partner – 15% off Coupon
- Bronze Vision Partner – 10% off Coupon
- Copper Vision Partner – 5% off Coupon
The total program cost to become an ordained and commissioned Life Coach Minister, who specializes in at least one badge area is $500.
Vision Partners will receive step discounts as our thanks for funding free ministry training worldwide.