Get Ordained with
the Christian Leaders Alliance

Ordained Life Coach Minister

Are you someone who can be trusted as a reliable Ordained Life Coach Minister? Do other Christian leaders recognize you as one who walks with God and one called to minister to others? Are you someone who is known and recommended by others and one recommended in a church or ministry setting?

These are some of the questions that the minister ordination program answers. The apostle Paul saw that these issues are not to be taken lightly. He wrote in 1 Timothy 5:22,Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands (ordination).”

The Christian Leaders Alliance has developed a minister ordination program for being ordained as a deacon minister. The Greek word “deacon” is translated into Latin and English as the word “minister.”  That is why the Christian Leaders Alliance calls it, “Deacon Minister Ordination.”

The Christian Leaders Alliance brings minister ordination into this Life Coach Minister program. Your ordination is an essential part. We require all life coaches to be ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance as one of the features of our Life Coach Minister program.

When you are ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance, you are not hastily ordained. You must cover these bases:

Ministry Training

Christian Leaders Institute offers free ministry training for the preparation for minister ordination. This training includes:

  • Christian Leaders Connection (3 Credits)
  • Christian Basics (3 Credits)
  • Deacon Minister Ordination (1 Credit)

Total of seven credits

Three Recommendations

In the Deacon Minister Ordination class you must be recommended by those who know you. One of those recommendations will come from an ordained Christian leader. Another recommendation comes from your spouse if you are married, and finally, one comes from someone who knows you and can speak to your character.

Local Ordination, International Recognition

After you complete the Deacon Minister Ordination class, you will be prayed over for your ordination. Ordinarily, local leaders at your church will pray over you and ordain you. There are also opportunities with the Christian Leaders Alliance to pray with you for your ordination.

You will be included in the Christian Leaders Alliance directory. You will be considered ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance.  See directory. 

Ordained Life Coach Ministers

The ordination feature of the Life Coach Minister program lets everyone know that you are a life coach connected to Christian leadership. You are accountable. If a bad report comes, you will be removed from the ordination directory.

This process and ordination give people more confidence that you are a credible Christian leader and life coach minister.