Do More Good by Helping Others

Badge Certification

After you have been ordained and commissioned as a Life Coach Minister, you are invited to specialize in specific areas of interest or gifting. Life Coach Minister Badges are the credential recognition that the ordained life coach minister has completed a particular life coach concentration area.

Badges are certification markers that you have completed:

  • Further training.
  • A paper that gives evidence of your competency.
  • Local mentor involvement.


Badge Certification is only available to Christian leaders who have completed their training, ordination, and commissioning as a Life Coach Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

The Badge classes will “coachify” the training so that you know how to uses the course knowledge in the appropriate roles needed.

A coaching badge certifies that a Life Coach Minister has completed all the requirements of the Ordained Life Coach Minister program of 17 credits. Furthermore, they have completed additional training and certification activities.

Badge specialization classes are available at Christian Leaders Institute. Each badge specialization class has specific prerequisite classes that must be completed before someone can enroll in the Badge Certification Class.

Available Badges