E-Learning for Ministry

Free Christian Life Coach Training

Life Coach Minister Training

The Life Coach Minister training required classes include over 18 college-level credits of ministry training. This ministry training covers the essentials you will need to have the cognitive teachings that lay a foundation for being a Life Coach Minister.

Christian Leaders Institute offers this training free of charge in a generosity-driven model of higher education that allows anyone with an internet connection to take over 200 credit hours of instruction and receive novice, basic, intermediate, and advanced awards in ministry and enterprise training.

The Life Coach minister certification requires the completion of fifteen hours of Christian Leaders Institute classes.

Steps to Becoming a Life Coach Minister

Step 1: Ministry Training – 18 Credits of Free Training Courses

You will begin with a getting started class and the connection course at Christian Leaders Institute. These courses open up the formal ministry training that will take you places in ministry.

Christian Leaders Connection (3 Credits)

This class introduces you to the minister aspect of your program. It also explores your calling into volunteer, part-time, or full-time ministry. You will also learn about many introductory ministry issues that will give you a good start toward your life coach ministry calling.

Christian Basics (3 Credits)

The Christian Basics class surveys the basic doctrines of Christianity. Dr. Ed Roels wrote a Christian Basics textbook that is the gold standard for learning the key teachings of Christianity.

Ministry Foundations (3 Credits)

The Ministry Foundations course surveys the essential issues of ministry leadership. This class includes instruction from Dr. Bruce Ballast, Dr. Ron Carter, and Francis Chan. This class features key leadership

New Testament Survey (3 Credits)

This class explores God’s Word in the New Testament, paying particular attention to literary, historical, and theological dimensions.

People Smart for Ministry (3 Credits)

The People Smart for Ministry class is essential for becoming a life coach minister. Life Coaching is a people activity. This three-credit class goes through the essentials of people-intelligence from a Biblical perspective. Every minister and every life coach will benefit greatly from this class.

Life Coaching Ministry (3 Credits)

The Life Coaching Ministry Class is a three-credit college class that is tailor-made for the life coach minister. This class brings life coach teaching and practice and connects it with the work of a minister. This exciting class will help you serve individuals, clients, small groups, or larger groups with your life coaching ministry.

Step 2: Recognition

Life Coach Certification

Complete the Life Coach Minister Cerifticaton Process at Christian Leaders Institute and receive your first Commission Badge.

Licensed or Ordination Minister Status

Complete your globally-recognized local licensed or ordination program with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Specialization Commission Badges

Complete additional certifications that specialize your life coach ministry. More specialization badges are being made available.

Life Coach Ministry Testimony

I stopped into CLI HQ to personally pick up my associate’s degree and Henry Reyenga came around the corner. We discussed how my studies were going and what was on the horizon for me.

A year ago, the Lord led me to a new CRC church to be their first youth pastor in over a decade. This was freeing to me as my previous church was unwilling to accept my studies at CLI/CLC. Since then, my senior pastor and I have spent a lot of time praying and looking into what the Lord may do with my studies after CLI/CLC.

My bend has been toward pastoral care and counseling. Our Classis group is willing to pay for my master’s program for counseling and I am now looking for a program. However, due to Covid and other issues, many of the programs are being shut down.

Henry mentioned that I should try out the life coaching class to see if there is a natural fit. At first, I had a hard time understanding it but with time it became a natural fit for my character and I can see the Lord using me this way. I am excited to be moving into a coaching capacity for the church mixed with pastoral care. The program is a home run. Prof. Steve Elzinga has done a fantastic job of taking life coaching principles and blending God’s word. My prayer is that the Lord will use this schooling and my giftedness to bring people into a closer relationship with Him.